Four Corners Underpass

Location: Bluffton, Ohio

Date Visited: March 29, 2014

After six months and a long, cold winter, I finally got back to exploring. While this interesting little spot isn't exactly abandoned, it is very secluded and a hot spot for some very amateur graffiti artists. I've lived in the area my entire life, and oddly enough, I never knew this place existed until a couple of friends mentioned it.

Under the overpass.
I have no idea why it's called "Four Corners", but I assume it has something to do with the way the narrow road takes a sharp turn on both sides of I-75 in order to go under it. I guess that only makes two corners, though, doesn't it?
Looking down the road.

Anyways, I visited the spot at dusk with a few friends to snap some pictures. While I had heard rumors of people going back there to take part in various illegal activities, and my friend who went there the day before had seen another car there, there was no one in sight when we went and it stayed that way for the short duration of our visit.

While there wasn't much to it except some supports covered in graffiti (and I certainly don't condone vandalism...), it was an interesting little place so close to home that I didn't even know existed. It's definitely interesting to see what's hiding right in front of you.
The result of small town boredom.

I just realized that I recognize some of these names.

I wonder how they got the graffiti all the way up there.



Most of the graffiti was pretty much impossible to read.

So many colors...

Lots of names.


  1. I can't believe they graffiti over the birds... those were beautiful when I was there last 2012.

  2. Also know as deadmans curve.. And it would be super nice if people would stop dumping their trash there and parking in the middle of the road.. The road is not closed people drive under there everyday... It's one this to explore it's another this to destroy


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