Abandoned Service Station (Texaco)

Location: Mt. Cory, Ohio

Date Visited: April 5, 2014

I was going on a drive in the Mt. Cory/Bluffton area when I came across this abandoned service station off of exit 145 on I-75. It wasn't until a couple of weeks later that I actually got out and explored it, though. I was on my way back from Findlay with a couple of friends when I realized how close it was, so I took a little detour.
Finally getting some pictures.

As I suspected, there isn't too much to the place. I also cannot seem to find any information on it. No name. No years of operation. Nothing at all. I'm not even sure if it's a service station. It's really nothing more than a garage. There is a door that probably leads to a room of some sort, but it was unfortunately locked. Also, because it's right next to the interstate, there is a large amount of trash dumped there. There appears to have been some other buildings across the street at one point, evidenced by a couple of signs, but they have been demolished. Nevertheless, I found it to be a neat little place.
The old sign is still standing, but the name is long gone.
The service station.

It looks like the name has been covered.
Free television, anyone?
Broken windows.
Lots of shattered glass.
All boarded up.
The garage... and people who like to mess up my shot.
View from the back of the garage.
The only graffiti in the whole place. What a well-done and thought provoking piece.
Electrical things.
I'm not sure what this is.
Some vents of sorts.
I don't think that hole is supposed to be a trashcan. And look, a tire!
Back door of the garage.
Some signs in the distance. I think their corresponding buildings have been demolished, though.
****UPDATE: I recently did a bit of research. It turns out that it was a Texaco that was built in 1960.


  1. I went to Ohio Northern University and graduated in 2006. You were right. There used to be a giant abandoned gas station across the street. They razed it in 2004. There's only a few lamp posts and the sign left.

  2. There was also another abandoned gas station on the other side of the highway that they razed in 2002. All that is left of that one are the sign posts. The last time I explored the texaco station, there was a lot more stuff left. That hole in the floor was were the car left went. It seems people have been slowly taking parts from the building. I read somewhere that someone wanted to buy the building and relocate it, but the only refuses to sell it. Hope this helps!

  3. across from there was a diner way back in the day, i live near to there and my parents have lived near there for 30 some years

  4. It was L& k restaurant truck stop. My mom worked there back in 1966 then we moved to Michigan shortly after that


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